Fasciatispora cocoes
Fasciatispora cocoes S.N. Zhang, K.D. Hyde & J.K. Liu, in Hyde et al., Fungal Diversity 100: 231 (2020)
Index Fungorum number: IF557000 Facesofungi number: FoF 06503
Etymology: The epithet refers to the host plant, on which the fungus was collected.
Holotype: MFLU 18-1589
Saprobic on rachides of Cocos nucifera. Sexual morph: Ascomata 150–330 μm diam., solitary or gregarious, immersed under a clypeus, visible as black dots on substrate, with an ostiolar or papilla, in vertical section 210–320 μm diam., 190–220 μm high, subglobose or globose, with a rounded or fattened base, coriaceous. Ostiole central, periphysate. Peridium 9–18 µm wide, consisting several layers of cells of textura angularis, outside layers brown cells and inter layers hyaline, thinner at the base. Paraphyses 2–3 µm wide, hyphae-like, irregular, septate, rarely branched. Asci 78–110×6–12 µm (x̄ =94.2×9 µm, n=20), 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, pedicellate, thin-walled, with a J+, wedge-shaped, subapical ring, 2–2.5 µm diam., 1 µm high. Ascospores 10–15×4.5–6 µm, (x̄ =12.7×5.4 µm, n=50), 1-seriate, pale brown to brown, ellipsoidal, unicellular, with a central pallid band, smooth-walled, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Culture characteristics: Ascospores germinated on PDA within 24 h and transferred to MEA. Colonies growing on MEA, circular, with fat surface, edge entire or a little flamentous, creamy white, reached about a diam. of 20 mm after three weeks at 25–28 °C. Mycelium superfcial, branched, septate, hyaline to pale brown, smooth.
Material examined: THAILAND, Trat Province, Koh Chang, on decaying rachides of Cocos nucifera, 27 April 2017, S.N. Zhang, SNT125 (MFLU 18-1589, holotype); ibid., KUN-HKAS105470, isotype, ex-type living culture MFLUCC 18-1445.
GenBank Accession No: ITS = MN482680, LSU=MN482675, RPB2=MN481517, SSU=MN482676, TEF1-α=MN481516, TUB2=MN505104.
Notes: The new collection Fasciatispora cocoes fts well within Fasciatispora and is similar to F. petrakii (Hyde 1995). However, in multi-gene analyses, F. cocoes is distinct from F. petrakii but clustered with F. calami. Fasciatispora cocoes is diferent from F. petrakii as the latter species has ovoid or almost rhomboid ascospores with a mucilaginous sheath. Fasciatispora cocoes also difers from F. calami in having a relatively thinner peridium (9–18 μm versus 17–36 μm) and larger asci in average size (94.2×9 μm versus 80×8 μm). The comparison of nucleotide diference between F. cocoes and F. calami showed that 4 nucleotide diferences across the 843 nucleotides (0.47%) of LSU and a signifcant diference in TUB2 sequence data.
Figure X. Fasciatispora cocoes (MFLU 18-1589, holotype). a, Ascomata on substrate surface. c Vertical section through an ascoma. d, e Ostiole with periphyses. f, g Peridium (g=at the base). h–j Asci. k Ascus in Melzer’s reagent, with a J+, subapical ring. l Paraphyses. m–o Ascospores. p Germinated ascospore. q Ascospore in India ink presents the clear mucilaginous sheath. r Colony on PDA. Scale bars: a=500 μm, b=200 μm, c=50 μm, d–f, h–j=20 μm, g, l, q=10 μm, k, m–p=5 μm
Reference: Hyde KD, Dong Y, Phookamsak R, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, Jones EB, Liu NG, Abeywickrama PD, Mapook A, Wei D, Perera RH. Fungal diversity notes 1151–1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa.
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