Tetraploa nagasakiensis
Tetraploa nagasakiensis (Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hirayama) Kaz. Tanaka & K. Hirayama
Index Fungorum number: IF801978 Facesoffungi number: FoF05080
Sexual morph: Ascomata 170–200 μm high, 190–260 μm diam., immersed under host epidermis, solitary, scattered, visible as small minute black spots or papilla on host issue, dark brown to black, uni-loculate, globose to subglobose or ampulliform, coriaceous, with ostiole. Peridium 17–24 μm wide, comprising several layers, with outers layers composed of dark brown to black cells of textura angularis, inner layers composed of light brown to hyaline pseudoparenchymatous cells arranged in textura angularis. Hamathecium of 1.7–2.4 μm, septate, branched, broad pseudoparaphyses, anastomosing near the apex. Asci 98–130 × 14–18 μm (x̄ = 114 × 16 μm, n = 20), 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, clavate, pedicellate with furcate ends, apically rounded with well-developed ocular chamber. Ascospores 30–34.5 × 4–5 μm (x̄ = 32.3 × 4.6 μm, n = 20), overlapping 2–3-seriate, hyaline, 1-septate, narrowly fusiform, smooth-walled, multi-guttulate. Asexual morph: Refer to Tanaka et al. (2009).
Culture characteristics: Ascospores germinating on PDA within 24 h. Colonies on PDA reaching 30–35 mm diam. after 4 weeks at 20–25 °C, circular, slightly raised to umbonate, pale black at the middle, white at the margin from the above and below, no pigment in agar.
Material examined: China, Yunnan Province, Honghe Prefecture, Pingbian County, nearby Tuanpo Reservoir, on dead bamboo branches, 21 September 2017, H.B. Jiang, Pb001 (HKAS 101756), living culture (KUMCC 18-0109).
GenBank Accession No: ITS: MK079890, LSU: MK079891, SSU: MK079888.
Notes: Although the new collection (HKAS 101756) has eight different ITS base pairs as compared to the type strain of Tetraploa nagasakiensis, they are still close to each other in multi-phylogenetic analysis based on ITS, LSU and SSU sequenced data. They are also morphologically very similar. Tetraploa nagasakiensis was reported only from Japan (Tanaka et al. 2009), but our new strain was collected in China.
Figure X. Tetraploa nagasakiensis (HKAS 101756, new geographical record). a–c Host and ascomata. d Vertical section of ascoma. e Peridium of ascoma. f Pseudoparaphyses. g–k Asci. l Culture from above and below views. m, n Ascospores. o Germinating ascospore. Scale bars: i–k, o = 20 μm, e, g, h = 15 μm, f, m, n = 10 μm.
Reference: Hyde KD, Tennakoon DS, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, et al (2019) Fungal diversity notes 1036–1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity 96(1): 1–242.
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