Galiicola baoshanensis
Galiicola baoshanensis Phookamsak, Wanas. & K.D. Hyde, in Phookamsak et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-019-00421-w, [53] (2019)
Index Fungorum number: IF556167 Facesoffungi number: FoF05701
Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous, amarenographium-like. Conidiomata 90–125 μm high, 90–120 μm diam., pycnidial, scattered, solitary, immersed to semi-immersed, uni-loculate, globose to subglobose, glabrous, dark brown, visible as small black dot on the host surface, ostiolate, apapillate, with pore-like opening. Conidiomata walls 8–25 μm wide, thin-walled, composed of flattened to broad, brown to dark brown pseudoparenchymatous cells, arranged in a textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 4–7(–12) × (2–)3–6 μm (x̅ = 5.7 × 4.7 μm, n = 30), enteroblastic, phialidic, discrete, determinate, ampulliform to doliiform, occasionally cylindrical, unbranched, aseptate, hyaline, smooth, minute collarette with periclinal wall thickening, arising from the inner cavity of the conidioma wall, difficult to distinguish from the conidioma wall. Conidia (30–)35–45 × (10–)11–14(–15.5) μm (x̅ = 39.6 × 12.9 μm, n = 50), muriform, brown to dark brown, paler at the end cells, ellipsoidal to broadly fusiform, or subclavate, apex rounded, base truncate or obtuse, 8–9 transverse septa, with 2–4 longitudinal septa, not constricted at the septa, rough-walled, echinulate, lacking mucilaginous sheath surrounding conidia.
Habitat: -
Known hosts: -
Known distribution: -
Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Baoshan, Shuizai, Dawazi mountain, on dead branches of herbaceous plant, 23 October 2015, R. Phookamsak, BS018 (KUN-HKAS 102234, holotype).
GenBank Accession No: ITS: MK356374, LSU: MK356348, SSU: MK356362, TEF1-a: MK359066.
Notes: Multigene phylogenetic analyses of a combined LSU, SSU, TEF1-a and ITS sequence dataset show that Galiicola baoshanensis forms a sister lineage with the generic type of Galiicola, G. pseudophaeosphaeria with high support (100% ML and 1.00 BYPP). A comparison of TEF1-a sequences indicates that G. baoshanensis differs from G. pseudophaeosphaeria in 14/730 bp (1.9%). However, we could not compare the morphological characters of G. baoshanensis with G. pseudophaeosphaeria as they are represented by different morphs. Galiicola baoshanensis is introduced as the asexual species in Galiicola for the first time.
Galiicola baoshanensis is similar to Amarenographium ammophilae Wanas. et al. in having conidia that are muriform, clavate, ellipsoidal, ovoid or fusoid conidia, with rounded apex, acute or truncate base, and 7–9 transverse septa (Wijayawardene et al. 2016). However, G. baoshanensis can be distinguished from A. ammophilae in having brown to dark brown conidia, with 2–4 longitudinal septa and lacking appendages at the apex and the base. Whereas, A. ammophilae has yellowish brown to brown conidia, with 1–3 longitudinal septa and appendages at the apex and the base (Wijayawardene et al. 2016). A comparison of ITS and TEF1-a sequences indicates that G. baoshanensis differs from A. ammophilae in 71/570 bp (12.5%) and 58/899 bp (6.5%), respectively. Muti-gene phylogenetic analyses also supported their distinctiveness.
Figure X. Galiicola baoshanensis (KUN-HKAS 102234, holotype). a Appearance of conidiomata on host. b Section through conidioma. c Ostiole with pore-like opening. d Section through conidioma wall. e–g Conidiogenous cells. h Conidium when immature. i–m Conidia. Scale bars a = 200 µm, b = 50 µm, d = 20 µm, c, g–m = 10 µm, e,f = 5 µm.
Reference: Phookamsak R, Hyde KD, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ, et al. (2019) Fungal diversity notes 929–1035: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungi. Fungal Diversity (2019) 95:1–273
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