Camposporium multiseptatum
Camposporium multiseptatum D.F. Bao, Z.L. Luo, K.D. Hyde & H.Y. Su, in Hyde et al., Fungal Diversity 100: 82 (2020)
Index Fungorum number: 557025 Facesoffungi number: 07063
Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on substratum effuse, superficial, black. Mycelium immersed, composed of hyaline, branched, smooth hyphae. Conidiophores micronematous, mononematous, short, simple, unbranched, flexuous, pale brown to subhyaline, smooth. Conidiogenous cells mono- or polyblastic, terminal, determinate, subhyaline. Conidia 97–111 μm long (x̄ = 103.8 μm, SD = 7.2, n = 30), 9–11 μm wide (x̄ = 9.8 μm, SD = 0.8, n = 30), fusiform to cylindrical, truncate at both of the ends, 10–13-septate, dark brown at central cells, paler both of end cells, with a short, septate, subhyaline, single appendage at apex, 11–17 μm long (x̄ = 13.8 μm, SD = 3, n = 15),
3.5–4.7 μm wide (x̄ = 4.1 μm, SD = 0.6, n = 15), smooth.
Culture characteristics: Conidia germinating on PDA within 24 h. Colonies on MEA at room temperature reaching 3.3 cm diam. in 3 weeks, mycelium grayish brown to dark brown after 4 weeks, composed brown to dark brown, septate, smooth hyphae.
Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, saprobic on submerged decaying wood in Dulong River, October 2016, Z.L. Lou, 2D H 1–4–2, S-792 (DLU 792, holotype), ex-type living culture, DLUCC 792.
GenBank Accession No: ITS: M N758889, LSU: MN759020, SSU: MN758955, TEF1-a: MN784093
Notes: Camposporium multiseptatum is phylogenetically close to C. appendiculatum. Morphologically, C. multiseptatum is similar to C. appendiculatum in having short, simple conidiophores, mono- or polyblastic, terminal, determinate conidiogenous cells and cylindrical, septate conidia, truncate at both ends, with a single appendage at apex. However, C. multiseptatum differs from C. appendiculatum in having shorter appendage (11–17 μm versus 72–114 μm). Moreover, we compared the base pairs of TEF1-α gene regions, and there are 17 base pairs that were different in 875 nucleotides of the TEF1-α region. These results strongly support our isolate to be a new species.
Figure X. Camposporium multiseptatum (DLU 792, holotype). a Appearance of the fungus on wood. b–h Conidiophores with conidiogenous cells and conidia. i Surface view of culture on PDA. j Reverse view of culture on PDA. Scale bars: b–h = 30 μm
: Hyde KD, Dong Y, Phookamsak R, Jeewon R et al. (2020) Fungal diversity notes 1151–1276: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Diversity (2020) 100:5–277.
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