Pleosporales » Dictyosporiaceae » Dictyocheirospora

Dictyocheirospora rotunda

Dictyocheirospora rotunda M.J. D'souza, Bhat & K.D. Hyde, in Boonmee et al., Fungal Diversity: 10.1007/s13225-016-0363-z, [10] (2016)

Facesoffungi number: FoF05063


Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. Conidiomata punctiform, sporodochial, velvety, brown to dark brown. Mycelium superficial, with brown, smooth, septate, branched hyphae. Conidiophores micronematous, pale brown. Conidiogenous cells 5–8 × 6–9 µm (x̅ = 6.5 × 7 µm, n = 20), holoblastic, integrated, terminal, pale brown, smooth-walled. Conidia 16–29 × 47–62 µm (x̅ = 22 × 55 µm, n = 50), solitary, monoblastic, acrogenous, cheiroid, pale brown to brown, consisting of 6–8 rows of cells, rows digitate, cylindrical, inwardly curved at  the tip, arising from a basal cell, each arm composed of 7–9-septated, constricted at septa.


Culture characteristics: Ascospores germinating on PDA (potato dextrose agar) within 1 week at 23 . Sporulation after 30 days, colony 1.5 cm diam. Initially, orange from above and reverse, becoming brown, with concentric zonation, with irregular form of margin, filamentous mycelium, with rough surface and raised elevation.


Habitat: Saprobicon on dead wood


Known distribution: China


Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Kunming, Songhuaba Lake, on dead wood, 3 September 2017, S.K. Huang (KUN-HKAS 99571), living culture (KUMCC 18–0014).


GenBank numbers: ITS: MK050008, LSU: MK050010, SSU: MK050009.


Notes: Dictyocheirospora rotunda has been previously reported from Thailand and northwestern Yunnan Province, China (Boonmee et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2016). In phylogenetic analysis of combined ITS and LSU sequence data of Dictyosporiaceae strains, our strain clusters with the ex-type strain of Dictyocheirospora rotunda (MFLUCC 14–0293) with relatively high-support (Fig. 18). Pairwise comparison of DNA sequences of ITS and LSU regions between KUMCC 18-0014 and MFLUCC 14–0293 reveals they are slightly different. Boonmee et al. (2016) introduced D. rotunda as having 5–7 × 6–7 µm, pale brown conidiogenous cells and 42–58 × 19–38 µm, cylindrical conidia. The morphological similarities reveal they are the same species. Thus, a record of D. rotunda from Kunming, Yunnan Province is reported.