Corynespora lignicola
Corynespora lignicola Z.L. Luo, H.Y. Su & K.D. Hyde, in Hyde et al., Asian Journal of Mycology 3(1): 65 (2020)
Index Fungorum number: IF557059 Facesoffungi number: FoF 07073
Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Colonies on natural substrate effuse, dark brown to black. Mycelium partly superficial, partly immersed in the substrate, composed of branched, septate, subhyaline to brown, smooth-walled hyphae. Conidiophores (350–)470–670(–700) μm (x̄ = 570 μm, SD = 100, n = 10) long, 9–13 μm (x̄ = 11 μm, SD = 2, n = 10) wide, macronematous, mononematous, erect or ascending, simple, straight or flexuous, septate, smooth. Conidiogenous cells monotretic, cylindrical, pale brown to brown, often with proliferation through the apical pore and formation of another conidium at the apex of the proliferation, branched. Conidia 110–156 μm (x̄ = 133 μm, SD = 23, n = 20) long, 7–9 μm (x̄ = 8 μm, SD = 1, n = 20) wide, formed singly or in a short chain through a wide pore at the apex of the conidiophore, cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, smooth, subhyaline to pale brown, distoseptate.
Culture characteristics: Colonies on MEA attaining 15 mm diameter within 20 days at 25 ℃ under natural light, velvety, centrally raised, pale brown or greyish olivaceous, reverse grey olivaceous to dark brown.
Habitat: on submerged wood (Hyde et al. 2020).
Known distribution: China, Yunnan Province (Hyde et al. 2020).
Material examined: China, Yunnan Province, on decaying wood submerged in Nujiang River, May 2015, S.M. Tang, S-334 (HKAS 92792, holotype), ex-type living culture MFLUCC 16–1301.
GenBank Numbers No: ITS: MN 860549, LSU: MN860554.
Notes: Corynespora lignicola resembles C. encephalarti in having macronematous, erect, straight, smooth-walled conidiophores, monotretic, cylindrical conidiogenous cells and distoseptate conidia which are similar in size. However, Corynespora lignicola differs from C. encephalarti in having cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, subhyaline to pale brown conidia, while C. encephalarti has obclavate, medium olivaceous brown to dark brown conidia (Crous et al. 2019), and Corynespora lignicola is phylogenetically distinct from all species that have DNA sequences.
Figure X. Corynespora lignicola (HKAS 92792, holotype). a Colony on natural substrate. b Conidiophore with conidia. c–f Conidia. Scale bars: b = 150 μm, c–f = 30 μm.
- Crous PW, Schumacher RK, Akulov A, Thangavel R et al. 2019 – New and Interesting Fungi.2. Fungal Systematics and Evolution 3, 57–134.
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