Neolinocarpon rachidis
Neolinocarpon rachidis Konta & K.D. Hyde, Mycosphere 8 (10): 1968 (2017)
Index Fungorum number: IF553962 Facesoffungi number: FoF 03846
Saprobic on rachis of Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. Sexual morph: Ascomata 508–590 μm high × 320–390 μm diameter (x̄ = 557 × 346 μm, n = 10), solitary, deeply immersed, with a central raised, black, globose-subglobose papilla, with a central ostiole. Papilla 157–223 μm high × 127– 198 μm diameter at the base (x̄ = 188 × 157 μm, n = 5), black, shiny, with hyaline periphyses. Peridium 34–80 μm wide (x̄ = 55 μm, n = 10), outer cells merging with the host epidermal cells, composed of dark brown to black cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium comprising numerous, 2.5–4 µm diameter (x̄ = 3 μm, n = 10), hypha-like, septate, unbranched, paraphyses, longer than asci. Asci 157–205 × 9–19 μm (x̄ = 180 × 14 μm, n = 20), 8-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical, longpedicellate, with a wedge-shaped, J-, subapical ring. Ascospores 123–140 × 2–4 μm (x̄ = 133 × 3 μm, n = 20), parallel in ascus, becoming spiral when mature, filiform, straight or curved, hyaline, aseptate, containing numerous refringent septum-like bands, rounded at the apex with appendage, pointed at the base, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Culture characters: Ascospores germinating on MEA within 7 days. Colonies on MEA reaching 3–4 cm diameter after two months at 25°C, white at the edge, brown in the middle with strong radiations outwards. After 30 days of incubation, colonies smooth, flat, margin undulate, white to gray in the center, gray-brown at the margin, mycelium becoming dark brown when growing into media, hyphae septate, branched, smooth-walled.
Habitat: On dead rachis of Arenga pinnata (Konta et al. 2017), on dead of petiole of Cocos nucifera (Hyde et al. (2019).
Known distribution: Thailand
Material examined: THAILAND, Phang-Nga Province, on dead rachis of Arenga pinnata (Wurmb) Merr. (Arecaceae), 5 December 2014, Sirinapa Konta PHR06e (MFLU 15–0307, holotype); HKAS 100702, isotype; ex-type living culture, MFLUCC 15–0332).
GenBank Accession No: ITS: MK106342, LSU: MK106353, MK106354, SSU: MK106367, MK106368.
Notes: Neolinocarpon rachidis is typical of Neolinocarpon species in having deeply immersed ascomata with a shiny visible papilla and filiform, hyaline ascospores. However, it is distinct as ascospores are rounded at the apex and pointed at the base, and differing type of mucilaginous appendages. In the phylogenetic analysis N. rachidis clusters with N. arengae (96% ML, 1.00 PP), but the species have very different ascospores.
Figure X. Neolinocarpon rachidis (MFLU 15–0307, holotype). a Appearance of ascomata on host substrate. b, c Close up of ascomata. d Yellowish ascospore mass. e Section of ascoma. f Papilla. g Peridium. h Paraphyses. i–k Asci. l J- reaction of apical ring. m–p Ascospores. q Germinated ascospore. Scale bars: b, d = 500 μm, c = 200 μm, e, i–k = 100 μm, f–g = 20 μm, h = 10 μm, l = 5 μm, m–q = 50 μm.
Hyde KD, Tennakoon DS, Jeewon R et al. (2019) Fungal diversity notes 1036–1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Divers 96: 1–242.
Konta S, Hongsanan S, Eungwanichayapant PD, Liu JK, Jeewon R, Hyde KD, Maharachchikumbura SSN, Boonmee S (2017) Leptosporella (Leptosporellaceae fam. nov.) and Linocarpon and Neolinocarpon (Linocarpaceae fam. nov.) are accommodated in Chaetosphaeriales. Mycosphere 8: 1943–1974.
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