Botryosphaeriales » Botryosphaeriaceae » Neofusicoccum

Neofusicoccum pandanicola

Neofusicoccum pandanicola Tibpromma & K.D. Hyde, in Fungal Diversity 92: 60 (2018)

Index Fungorum number: IF554752         Facesoffungi number: FoF04568


Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 180–250 9 280– 295 μm ( = 225 × 289 μm, n = 5), immersed in the host, solitary or gregarious, brown to dark brown, globose to subglobose, uniloculate, ostiolate. Pycnidial wall 33–81 μm, thick-walled, composed of dark brown to pale brown cells of textura angularis. Conidiophores micronematous, reduced to conidiogenous cell. Conidiogenous cells 10–17 × 4–8 μm ( = 15 × 5.4 μm, n = 10), monoblastic, holoblastic, integrated, hyaline, smooth. Conidia 15–26 × 8–12 μm ( = 22 × 10 μm, n = 20), ovoid to ellipsoid, thinwalled, rounded at apex, hyaline, aseptate, rough, without a mucilaginous sheath.


Culture characteristics: Colonies on PDA covering the entire plate after 7 days at room temperature, mycelium velvety and moderately fluffy with an irregular margin, surface initially white and later becoming dark from the middle of the colony and dark in reverse.


Material examined: CHINA, Yunnan Province, Xishuangbanna, on fallen dead and decaying leaves of Pandanus sp., 12 November 2016, T. Aluthwaththa XTBG23 (HKAS 99631 holotype); ex-type living culture, KUMCC 17-0184 = MFLUCC 17-2270.


GenBank Accession No: LSU: MH260306; ITS: MH275072; SSU: MH260346; TEF1: MH412778; ACT: MH412740; GPDH: MH412751; CHS-1: MH412746.


Notes: Neofusicoccum pandanicola was recovered from fallen dead and decaying leaves of Pandanus sp. in China. Neofusicoccum pandanicola shares a close phylogenetic affinity to N. algeriense Berraf-Tebbal & A.J.L. Phillips (CBS 137504). However, N. algeriense has fusiform conidia with a subtruncate to bluntly rounded base and 17.6 9 5.6 μm (Berraf-Tebbal et al. 2014), while N. pandanicola has ovoid to ellipsoid conidia rounded at both ends and 22 × 10 μm. In a BLASTn search on NCBI GenBank, the closest matches of ITS sequence of KUMCC 17-0184 is N. parvum with 100% identity to the strain OMNP10 (KY657475), while the closest matches with the TEF1 sequence were with 94% identical N. parvum strain JTTL3 (KP183195).

Figure X. Neofusicoccum pandanicola (HKAS 99631, holotype). a Conidiomata on dead leaves of Pandanus sp. b Cross section of the conidioma. c Conidiomatal wall. d, e Conidia attached to conidiogenous cell. f–h Conidia. i Germinating conidium. j, k Colony on MEA from above and below. Scale bars b = 50 μm, c, i = 20 μm, d, e, h = 10 μm, f, g = 5 μm.


Reference: Tibpromma S, Hyde KD, Bhat JD, Mortimer PE, Xu JC, Promputtha I, Doilom M, Yang JB, Tang AMC, Karunarathna SC (2018) Identification of endophytic fungi from leaves of Pandanaceae based on their morphotypes and DNA sequence data from southern Thailand. MycoKeys. 33:25-67.


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Supported by 

Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI),

project entitled:

"The future of specialist fungi in a changing climate: baseline data for generalist and specialist fungi associated with ants Rhododendron species and Dracaena species"

(Grant No. DBG6080013)

"Impact of climate change on fungal diversity and biogeography in the Greater Mekong Sub-region"

(Grant No. RDG6130001)


  • Email:
  • Addresses:
    1 Center of Excellence in Fungal Research
  • Mae Fah Luang University Chiang Rai
    57100 Thailand
  • 2 Kunming Institute of Botany
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences,
  • Honghe County 654400, Yunnan, China

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