Lasiodiplodia iraniensis
Lasiodiplodia iraniensis Abdollahz., Zare & A.J.L. Phillips [as ‘iranensis’], Persoonia 25: 8 (2010)
Index Fungorum number: IF516780 Facesoffungi number: FoF04922
Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Appearing as raised spots on the host. Coelomycetous. Conidiomata 210–405 µm high × 90–336 µm diam. (x̄ = 283 × 194 µm, n = 10), stromatic, pycnidial, immersed, aggregated, unilocular, globose to depressed globose. Peridium 20–55 µm wide, composed of 3–6 layers of pale brown to brown, smooth-walled cells of textura angularis. Pseudoparaphyses 2.1–3.9 µm wide, aseptate, hyaline. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 10–22 × 3– 6.3 µm (x̄ = 13 9 4.4 µm, n = 20), lining the pycnidial cavity, holoblastic, subcylindrical, hyaline, smooth-walled. Conidia 14–28 × 8–14.5 µm (x̄ = 22.5 × 12, n = 25) ovoid, rarely subovoid to ellipsoid-ovoid, with a broadly rounded apex and truncate base, hyaline, thick-walled, smooth-walled.
Culture characteristics: Colonies on PDA reaching 55 mm diam. after 7 days at 25 °C, circular, smooth margin, white at first, ash to greenish black after 2 weeks, flat on the surface, with aerial mycelium, reverse black.
Host and Habitat: Endophytic, saprobic or pathogenic on Adansonia digitata, A. gregorii, Anacardium occidentale, Annona muricata, A. squamosa, A. × cherimola-squamosa, Bougainvillea spectabilis, Caryota mitis, Cassia sp., Citrus latifolia, C. reticulata, Citrus sp., Dimocarpus longan, Dodonaea viscosa, Eucalyptus sp., Jatropha curcas, Juglans sp., Macadamia integrifolia, Mangifera indica, Manihot esculenta, Nephelium lappaceum, Nopalea cochenillifera, Salvadora persica, Sansevieria trifasciata, Sclerocarya birrea subsp. caffra, Terminalia catappa, Vaccinium sp. and Vitis sp. (Farr and Rossman 2021).
Known distribution: Australia, Benin, Brazil, Cameroon, China, Colombia, Iran, Italy, KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Pakistan, Peru, Puerto Rico, Senegal, South Africa and Thailand (Farr and Rossman 2021).
Material examined: THAILAND, Chiang Rai Province, on dried pods of Cassia sp. (Fabaceae), 22 December 2016, R.H. Perera, RHP 37 (MFLU 17-2847), living culture (MFLUCC 18-0586).
GenBank Accession No: ITS: MH107831, LSU: MH107832, TEF1: MH107833, TUB2: MH107834.
Figure X. Lasiodiplodia iraniensis (MFLU 17-2847, new host/geographical record). a Herbarium material. b Conidiomata on host substrate. c, d Sections through conidiomata. e Peridium. f Paraphyses in Congo red. g, h Conidiophores with conidia. i–k Conidia. l Germinating conidium. m, n Colony on PDA. Scale bars: c, d = 200 µm, e = 50 µm, f–i = 20 µm.
Notes: The new collection is a typical Lasiodiplodia species, and it shares the similar morphology with Lasiodiplodia iraniensis which the dimensions of their conidiophores and conidia are almost identical (Abdollahzadeh et al. 2010). Conidia of L. iraniensis become 1-septate and dark brown with longitudinal striations with the time (Abdollahzadeh et al. 2010). However, we did not observe released mature conidia in our collection. The multi-gene phylogenetic analysis showed that our newly obtained strain (MFLUCC 18-0586) clustered together with L. iraniensis. Therefore, we identify our collection as L. iraniensis and it is reported here as a new record to Thailand and Cassia sp.
1. Abdollahzadeh J, Javadi A, Goltapeh EM, Zare R, Phillips AJL (2010) Phylogeny and morphology of four new species of Lasiodiplodia from Iran. Persoonia 25: 1–10.
2. Farr DF, Rossman AY (2021) Fungal Databases, U.S. National Fungus Collections, ARS, USDA.
3. Hyde KD, Tennakoon DS, Jeewon R, Bhat DJ et al. (2019) Fungal diversity notes 1036–1150: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions on genera and species of fungal taxa. Fungal Divers. 96: 1–242.
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